The Fredrikstad Living Lab aims to integrate New and Shared Mobility (NSM) and multimodal travel with city ferries, build a mobility hub infrastructure and share knowledge on how to shift car traffic to waterways.

Interventions include paid parking increases, toll roads, conversion of roads to cycle lanes, underground parking, free water metro rides, bus lanes, electric buses, integrated public transport ticketing, bike sharing and cycling infrastructure development.
Car Journeys of Total Trips
Bus and Cycling of Total Trips
The main challenge is to reduce car trips to stop the growth of climate emissions; 59% of journeys in Fredrikstad are made by car; only 8% of trips are made by bus, bicycling makes 9%. The lab aims to promote sustainable modes of transport and accessibility.
Content related to the Living Lab

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Safer bike lanes, co-creation and data collection on Fredrikstad
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Fredrikstad and Chalmers University join for co-creation workshop
Fredrikstad and Chalmers University join for co-creation workshop
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