Athens – Penteli

The Athens-Penteli Living Lab focuses on integrating New and Shared Mobility (NSM) with public transport, co-creating adaptive street spaces, and integrating NSM with public transport ticketing systems. Efforts include improving road safety, developing pedestrian and cycling networks, introducing charging points for electric vehicles and involving citizens in urban planning. With an emphasis on sustainability, the Lab’s challenges include improving pedestrian safety, reducing congestion, and increasing green spaces while minimising pollutants.

The Living Lab uses fare validation and traffic data in its efforts, focusing on improving walking and cycling conditions, strengthening the public transport system and integrating active forms of mobility. Infrastructure improvements include the development of pedestrian networks, the renovation of sidewalks and roads, the construction of cycle paths and the installation of underground car parks.

Content related to the Living Lab

SUM partners present research on safety perceptions at TRB 2025
SUM partners present research on safety perceptions at TRB 2025
Register for POLIS Webinar to learn from SUM integration of shared mobility and public transport
Register for POLIS Webinar to learn from SUM integration of shared mobility and public transport
Penteli’s push for e-Bikes, MaaS and safer roads
Penteli’s push for e-Bikes, MaaS and safer roads
Recap of the SUM general assembly in Penteli and Athens
Recap of the SUM general assembly in Penteli and Athens
Penteli: Integrated mobility solutions: Active mobility, and more
Penteli: Integrated mobility solutions: Active mobility, and more
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Living Labs