Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the oldest, largest and most comprehensive university of technology in the Netherlands. The University collaborates on a structural basis with other international education and research institutes and has partnerships with governments, numerous consultancies, industry partners and companies from small and medium business sectors. TU Delft ranks 57 on the 2022 QS World University Rankings and 75th on the 2022 THE World Rankings list. Transportation Science & Technology at TU Delft ranks nr. 2 in the latest Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.
The Transport & Planning (T&P) Department is one of the largest academic departments in Europe, featuring around 150 staff members. Its research is aimed at gaining a profound understanding of the traffic and transportation system and all the complex interactions it entails, via theory development, modelling, advanced simulation, but also by learning – and making a societal impact at the same time – from experiments and pilots. Its research agenda is adaptive, given the current knowledge gaps and most prominent research challenges, while considering urgent societal and technological trends that affect the transportation system (e.g. urbanization, AI, ICT, automation, electrification, and the related transitions), as well as prevailing and future policy objectives (resource depletion, climate change, safety and security, equity, health and well-being). In the context of SUM, TU Delft leads WP2 – devoted to “Integrated Planning and Operations of New/Shared Mobility Services and Public Transport”, leads task 3.3 (“Price setting and nudging for mobility management”), is the academic partner in the Rotterdam living lab and contributes to all other WPs.