Jagiellonian University
project partner
JU (Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland) is one of the oldest and top ranked universities in Central Europe. The Group of Machine Learning (GMUM) is the strong young ML lab with solid contributions to reinforcement learning, deep learning, continuous learning, generative models etc. The Urban Mobility group led by dr Rafal Kucharski carries three major research grants, including the ERC Starting Grant on the COeXISTENCE of humans and autonomous vehicles in the future cities. It consists of 11 researchers, 5 of which are involved in SUM project. A team of scientists at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science will develop methods and algorithms for planning and managing such systems for 36 months. The JU team will use the ExMAS algorithm to match trips into attractive shared rides. This approach allows estimating the potential of shared rides, where people share their trips simultaneously with other co-travellers in the same vehicle (e.g., taxi or Uber). As part of the project, the potential of this type of rides will be explored in selected areas of Munich, Geneva, Athens, Jerusalem and Krakow. The city of Krakow (a partner in the project) has selected three areas where the shared mobility system has the opportunity to improve the transport offer.