
The Munich Living Lab is a testbed for integrating NSM services (bike-sharing, car-sharing, e-scooters, etc.) with public transport, establishing mobility hubs and adapting street space. It aims to support sustainable urban mobility, increase user acceptance and contribute to Munich’s long-term mobility strategies.

Mobility Hubs by 2026

The Living Lab showcases innovations such as predictive fleet availability, on-demand fleet management, road space design, mobility hub infrastructure, public transport ticketing integration and mobility management pricing strategies. Munich plans to establish 200 mobility hubs to improve accessibility and quality of life, serving different modes of transport.

In line with the project, Munich’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) aims to improve accessibilityenhance public spaces and increase public transport use from 24% to 30%.

Public Transport Use
24 %

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SUM partners present research on safety perceptions at TRB 2025
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SUM Munich
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Living Labs